The Spirit & the Mouse

This is a rare one. Very few games have inspired disappointment in me when I “beat” them. And it’s not the story—the ending is satisfying in the context of the game, and even has entertaining and surprising dialog; I enjoyed it a lot. I just wished there was more to really explore, more story to tell. I wanted another neighborhood to discover, learn the streets, and find every little secret. I was disappointed to see it end because I didn’t want it to be over.

The world of The Spirit & the Mouse is atmospheric and detailed and perfectly paints a quaint French neighborhood—or at least an Indiana-native’s idea of a quaint French neighborhood. The light is colorful, and bounces off wet the cobblestone streets. The winding streets, canals, and cafés feel welcoming, like well-established fixtures in the neighborhoods. The whole place creates a desire to be there, to visit this beautiful place. And the game delivers on that, you feel like you get to see these neighborhoods and their inhabitants in the details of their lives, like a comfortable novella.

The story itself is so kind hearted and endearing without feeling trite. You play the role of Lila, a mouse who has decided to help the people of Saint-et-Claire. In her first attempt, she is almost immediately conscripted by an unusual spirit to help solve the little, largely power-outage-related challenges the inhabitants face.

Each puzzle is fun, though challenging enough to keep you engaged. Running around the neighborhoods is a delight, and the spirits you interact with, help, and work with are delightful.

This is absolutely the coziest game I have found, with no time limits or health bars to track, and the strength of the story and atmosphere keeps you coming back to it. It’s relaxing, fun, and endlessly kind.

The Spirit & the Mouse

Lila the mouse, a small white and brown mouse who glows with electricity sits on a wood balcony overlooking the town below at night. The town is old with cobblestone streets and is lit by warm street lights. There is a brightly colored cafe in the distance.